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Games in a Clothing Warehouse Designer-led Katerina Bosov to open Fashion Boutiques.

Absolutely every girl in Russia, and beyond its borders, is familiar with the fashionable and popular women's clothing brand INCITY - the big city fashion. A rare person will pass by without looking at the attractive sign and entering the store. Moreover, the range of the brand is highly diverse, fashionable, and affordable. And the fact that now there are boutiques with this brand in almost every shopping and center, as well as the presence of an online store, is primarily associated with the name of Katerina Bosov. She put her whole soul and did everything possible to conquer new heights for the brand.

Before her successful career in the fashion world, Katerina Bosov (maiden name of Yastrebova) did not even imagine that she could be so lucky. She was a simple girl from an ordinary family who lived in the north of Moscow in the Khovrino district. This area has never been famous for its favorable environment. Its so-called "attraction" was the Khovrinsky hospital - a mystical long-term construction, where the homeless crowded endlessly, sectarians performed their rituals, often found the corpses of people and animals.

Even in early childhood, Katerina firmly decided that her life should be much better and better than the one that occurred her parents: the family existed more than modestly: Catherine's mother went to work in Mytishchi, where she worked in a clothing warehouse, her father was a worker canning factory. The family's situation was so unstable that when it became possible to purchase a used domestic car, the purchase became an actual holiday; there was no end to the joy.

Katerina loved to be at her mother's work as a small child. There she looked at the mountains of warehouse clothes for a long time, invented and tried on various images, even made collections. At such moments, she especially wanted to choose her outfits in beautiful and fashionable boutiques in megacities and not delve into warehouse clothes. Therefore, she began to study hard to study at a prestigious university.

And luck smiled at her. After graduating from school with honors, the girl entered one of the best law schools in the country - Moscow State Law Academy, named after Kutafin. Then she studied management at the Skolkovo School of Management, has an international Executive MBA diploma. As a result, Katerina Bosov is a professional lawyer and top manager.

Katerina's perseverance and purposefulness do not need laudatory comments: already in the first year, she began to work in her specialty, applying the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. And on the fourth, Ekaterina, as a lawyer, accompanied significant transactions. One of them was Sigrun, headed by a prominent businessman Vladimir Gruzdev. He noticed a hard-working lawyer and invited the girl to JSC Modny Continent, a Russian company for developing, producing, and selling fashionable women's and men's clothing, underwear, and accessories, which belonged to his family. Within a short time, Katerina Bosov proved herself and entered the board of directors.

The main direction of her work was the creation and development of online retail and was able to ensure that INCITY stores - just under this trademark, the clothes of Modny Continent JSC were produced - reached an entirely new level, many new outlets were opened in Russia and abroad. Abroad, the first clients of the VIP category appeared. At the same time his online store opened, online sales began to increase.

If we talk about the essence of INCITY brand clothing, it is characterized by modern materials, natural fabrics, and, at the same time, relatively restrained prices. Katerina, who grew up in a simple family, always remembered the hard times and thought about girls with a modest income, about their desire and ability to dress stylishly and fashionably. The INCITY collections are highly diverse: with them, you will find clothes for absolutely any event and occasion: a trip to the office, sports, an ordinary walk around the city, or a secular party. 

"Fashion Continent" lured Katerina Bosov into the world of fashion, and it captured her. As a result, she proved herself not only as an excellent lawyer and a talented leader but also as an ideological inspirer and even a designer of fashion collections, having coped with these tasks excellently. However, Bosov was most successful in opening new fashion boutiques. Creating their entourage and presenting the range of goods in the most favorable light, window dressing - became her vocation.

But not only in her career, but Katerina also made progress; everything was successful in the family plan. The whole country followed her developing romance with the "coal" king, businessman Dmitry Bosov, whom she met in 2014 in Nice at a party with mutual friends. Bosov fell in love at first sight, gave the girl luxurious gifts. The couple traveled a lot and participated in social events, and sometime after they met, they entered into an official marriage. Soon a daughter appeared in the family. Things increased, but Katerina Bosov managed to do everything: she was a loving and attentive wife, a caring mother, kept the family hearth while continuing to do what she loved - opening and decorating INCITY stores.

Everything in my career and life went well if sad events had not interrupted the chain of joyful events. Dmitry Bosov tragically passed away, making Katerina a widow at such a young age.
The negative from the public was not long in coming. In a matter of days, happy stories of a successful career and marriage went into oblivion, overgrown with unpleasant details and gossip. Many previously part of the Bosov family even tried to accuse Katerina of killing her husband to take possession of his property. Thus, the name of Katerina Bosov began to be used more and more not in articles about the "Fashion Continent" or the opening of new stores, but in articles about murder, betrayal, deceit, division of property, and other unpleasant things.

Thus, a successful, independent, loving wife and mother became a victim of dishonest people who, out of envy, are ready to cling to the minor facts and inflate them to trample a person. But, despite all her successes and achievements, Katerina Bosov is, first of all, an ordinary woman; she needs support and support, especially in such a difficult time for her.

We hope that the financial capabilities of Bosov, as well as her mind, determination, and accumulated life experience, will let her pass through the whole situation, let her go and live peacefully for the sake of her daughter, for herself, for the sake of the memory of her spouse.


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