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Fashion boutiques are Katerina Bosov's favorite store

Today, women and girls who want to look beautiful and dress beautifully have never visited the INCITY fashion store in the big city. And indeed, anyone who has bought an item in the wardrobe at least once knows the name Katerina Bosov. After all, it made the store so bright and attractive.

Does anyone know that Ekaterina Bosov (maiden name Yastrebova) was a completely ordinary girl in a simple family in northern Moscow before success in the fashion world? 

Northern Khovrino is not the cheapest residential area in Moscow. This is mainly due to its proximity to Khovrinskaya Hospital, which has been under construction for a long time. It was an eerie and ominous place that scared children and adults. In many cases, dead people and animals were found. 

Katya and her family lived very modestly. Her mother is an employee of a clothing store in Mytishchi, and her father is an employee of a canning factory. They couldn't claim luxury. And when it was possible to buy a used Jiguri car for the family, it became an actual holiday and fateful gift. 

One of Katerina's favorite hobbies was to make a rare trip to her mother's work. There, she spent a lot of time looking at the pile of clothes in the warehouse, coming up with different looks, trying them out, and creating a collection. The girl then sets her goal to change her life, getting out of Khovrino instead of trying on someone else's clothes in the warehouse, her own in a beautiful and fashionable boutique in Megalopolis. 

I chose clothes. Katerina Bosov, who promised to reach her goal, began to pay more attention to her research, graduated with honors, and was one of the best law schools in the country, Kutafin Moscow Oblast Legislation. I enrolled in the academy. In her first year, she was considered a diligent and promising student, and Katerina began working in her field. And in the fourth year, up-and-coming entrepreneurs are already making important deals as lawyers. As a result, VIP Group customers sought legal assistance from her, including Sigrun. Katerina Bosov participated in a significant deal involving the company and met his boss, the prominent businessman Vladimir Grusdef. In return, he focused on the prospects of young lawyers and invited promising lawyers to the JSC "Modny Continent." This Russian company develops, manufactures, and sells fashionable women's clothing, men's clothing, lingerie, accessories, and Gruzdev. The family heard. Katerina remembered playing a game in her clothes at her mother's job, and she agreed to try her hand in that direction. After a while, Katerina Bosov joined the company's board of directors. She was involved in the creation and development of online retail. Thanks to their efforts, the company everyone knows under the INCITY brand has grown to be one of Russia's most famous women's clothing companies. The simultaneous development of e-commerce and Internet technology has contributed to increased online sales. And since the brand already has VIP customers, they were happy to switch to an online shopping format.

The INCITY brand pricing policy is pretty democratic. Still, the company creates relevant fashionable collections to create absolutely every image on every occasion. 

Katerina Bosov, active in the "Fashion Continent," entered the fashion world and captured her. She was a good lawyer and a talented leader. Still, she was also the founder of the ideology who mastered these tasks perfectly and proved to be the designer of the fashion collection. But the most successful for Bose was opening a new fashion boutique. Following the design of attractive shop windows, it has been Bosov's goal for several years to design your aides and present a range of products so that they can be seen in an even more favorable light.

Another critical goal of Katerina Bosov was to recognize herself as a woman, form a family, and live happily there until the end of her days. 

In 2014, at one of the social events in Nice, Katerina met her future husband, "Coal" businessman Dmitry Bosov. The couple began a whirlwind romance. Bosov was in an unforgettable affair, loved Katerina, gave a gorgeous gift, and after a 1.5-year relationship, they got married. My daughter was born in a happy marriage. Bosov managed to combine everything. She was a loving and attentive woman, a caring mother, and a guardian of the heart of her family. At the same time, she remembered her work, continued what she loved, and opened her fashion boutique INCITY. 

However, the favorable event should be interrupted by a tragic event, his body was found at Dmitry Bosov's home, and his death was declared a suicide. So Katerina soon became a sad widow of her beloved wife and mother.

In her life of Katerina Bosov, everything quickly turned upside down. She began to attack her from everywhere, began to put psychological pressure on her, and her various rumors and gossip spread to the media. Some sources in Puck have a statement that Katerina was due to her husband's death and that she led him to such a sad end. Many who joined the Bosov family appeared in articles about murder, fraud, property sharing, and other offensive things not on the widow's side. 

Successful, independent, independent, and affectionate wives and mothers have become victims of dishonest people who are willing to hold small facts from jealousy to inflate them to trample. .. And, despite all her successes and achievements, Katerina Bosov is, above all, an ordinary female in need of support and support. With her boss's financial abilities, heart, dedication, and life experience, she reconsidered her whole situation and let it go for her benefit and her daughter's benefit. It is expected to make it possible to live in peace.


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